Genetically inherited heart disease risks
Why do you need to know
11 April, 2020 by
Health BETA Pte Ltd, Tan Kae Yuan

Like other sciences, genetic studies is yet another field to allow us to know ourselves better than before. It helps to unlock the myths and guesses what biological characteristics we have inherited from our parents and ancestors.

If you have experienced lost of family members due to heart disease and now face the uncertainty what is your own risk of suffering a heart disease,  receiving a genetic test can be an answer. The test results will relief you from uncertainty. But what if the results show you have a high risk? Yes, you can then act on it if you genetically have higher risk to suffer a heart disease. Instead of remaining at the state of denial, now you may change your lifestyle, take more precaution measures to protect yourself. Don't forget there are many modifiable risk factors you can act on, including monitoring your blood pressure, low-density lipoprotein or 'bad cholesterol' level and adopt a healthier lifestyle. The test allows you to stay in the know, and you can live with assurance that your condition is under controlled or mitigated.

With the genetic test results, you now know what have you inherited 'officially'. You then can share this with your children or siblings what potential risk they might face. But again, why do they need to know? Heart disease, like other disease, will have better treatment results if it is treated during the early stage. Sharing with them will bring them to attention to act early. Apparently receiving a genetic test can help more than yourself, but also your family members.

Most importantly, to conduct a genetic test is to know yourself, biologically. Hence, medical doctor can better decide type of diagnosis, treatment you need.

Health BETA Pte Ltd, Tan Kae Yuan
11 April, 2020
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